Policies for The Weatheralls Primary School
The policies below are used by The Weatheralls Primary School in addition to Staploe Education Trust's policies.
- Accessibility Plan - The Weatheralls
- Admission Policy 2025-26 - The Weatheralls
- Anti-Bullying policy - SET Primaries
- Attendance Policy - SET Primaries
- Behaviour Regulation Policy - WEA_v1.0
- Calculations Policy - The Weatheralls
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school - SET Primaries
- Collective Worship Policy - The Weatheralls
- Controlling Access to School Premises Policy - SET Primaries
- Educational Visits Policy - SET Primaries
- English - Additional Language - SET Primaries
- Equality Objectives - The Weatheralls
- EY Staff Supervision Policy - The Weatheralls
- Intimate Care Policy - SET Primaries
- Marking and Feedback Policy - The Weatheralls
- Missing Children Policy - SET Primaries
- Mobile Phone Policy - SET Primaries
- Prejudice Incidents Policy - SET Primaries
- Presentation Policy - The Weatheralls
- Presentation Policy - The Weatheralls
- PSHE Policy - The Weatheralls
- RE Policy - The Weatheralls
- Remote Learning Policy - The Weatheralls
- RSE - The Weatheralls
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - The Weatheralls
- SEND Policy - SET Primaries
- Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions Policy - SET Primaries
- Suspension & Permanent Exclusion policy - SET Primaries
- Uncollected Children Policy - SET Primaries
- Uniform Policy - The Weatheralls